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Domestic Violence is a "Crisis" in South Carolina Says Attorney General's Office


Domestic violence is a major problem across the United States. In South Carolina it has become a crisis, according to the office of the Attorney General.

The website of Alan Wilson states that more than 36,000 victims every year report a domestic violence incident to law enforcement agencies in South Carolina. Over the past 13 years, an average of 33 women have been killed each year by their intimate partner.

"Domestic violence has become a crisis in the Palmetto State," the website states.

Given the scale of the problem, the Attorney General's office has organized a series of free one-day training sessions across South Carolina on criminal domestic violence and related topics. The sessions are targeted at law enforcement officers, judges, attorneys and victim advocates.

The website says South Carolina currently ranks second in the nation for the amount of homicides caused by criminal domestic violence.

"Each year in October, the Attorney General hosts a Silent Witness ceremony to honor the victims from the preceding year. During this ceremony, wooden silhouettes represent the women and men who have died due to domestic violence in South Carolina during the previous year," stated the website.

Alan Wilson reads the name of each victim and the circumstances of their death. As each name is read, volunteers or family members of the victim carry the silhouette and take a place on the State House steps

In 2013, The State reported on how South Carolina's rate of females murdered by males of 2.54 per 100,000 was more than double the national average, according to a report released last fall by the Violence Policy Center in Washington. The ranking was based on 2011 crime data that showed 61 women in South Carolina were reported killed by men.

There have been some high profile acts of domestic violence in South Carolina in recent years.

Victoria Williamson Tindall of Pelion was shot to death by her estranged husband in 2011. He then turned a shotgun on himself. In March 2011, Amanda Peake of Red Bank was shot by her ex-boyfriend, who also killed her 9-year-old son and 6-year-old daughter before committing suicide. Then in May 2011, Amanda Ruth Jarrard of Columbia was shot in the back by her husband who then shot himself.

If you have been subjected to domestic violence, the Masella Law Firm can help you. We can help you bring a petition to court to secure an order for protection. A restraining order can stop an abuser harassing you, as well as giving you child custody, child support and alimony. Call the Masella Law Firm at 803.748.9990.

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